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GAMERA is available on github. There, you can download a zip archive with the source code or clone it with git via

$ git clone



You will have to compile GAMERA from source. Apart from a C++ compiler (e.g. using gcc on Linux or clang on Mac), you need to install the following dependencies:

On Linux:

On MacOS:

many repositories provide gsl and swig, for example homebrew:

$ brew install gsl swig

It might also be required to install pkg-config. Installation instructions can be found e.g. here.

On some MacOS systems, issues are encountered in the compilation phase. These can be fixed by adding 2 lines to the file <GAMERA-path>/python/

after line 20 add:


on some other MacOS versions (e.g. Mojave 10.14.5) a further issue can stop the compilation of the gappa library: the swig version that can be installed does not support anymore the option -nosafecstrings option. The workaround is to remove it from the Makefile (at line 70).

The latest version of GAMERA does not need anymore the -nosafecstrings option.

Building: python


If you are interested in the python package (GAPPA), run

$ make gappa

and it will generate lib/ and lib/


In your python script, You need to add the directory holding the module (default: lib/ in the GAMERA directory) to the search path for modules, e.g.:

import sys

Building: C++


To build the C++ library, go to the base GAMERA directory and run

$ make gamera

This will create the shared object lib/ which can be used in C++ programs.


To use the library in you program, compile like e.g.:

$ gcc -o yourProgram yourProgramSource.C -lgamera -L$(LIBDIR)

where LIBDIR is the directory where is located (default: lib/ in the GAMERA directory). Also, it might be necessary to export the lib directory to LD_LIBRARY_PATH, e.g.:


Updating GAMERA

After any new git pull, you should clean up the directory via

$ make clean

and re-compile with the commands above.

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